Lowell Elementary


School Tour for Families

Lowell Elementary School Tour

Lowell building exterior and front door

New Student Enrollment

Welcome Bulletin Board

Welcome! This bulletin board welcomes students as they enter each morning

bulletin board
kindness is always in style
Kindness is always in style!

Lowell Quick Glance

  • Attendance Zone
    • Downtown, West Capitol Hill, S. Lake Union, Belltown, International District
  • Current Enrollment – 380 students
  • Large staff! 90+ staff members
  • 3 preschool programs – Developmental and Med Frag PreK, PCIS, and Headstart
  • PE, Art, Music, Instrumental Music
  • Focus on Inclusive Practices
  • Odessa Brown School-Based Health Clinic
  • Family Resource Center and Food Hub
  • Amazing community partnerships!
  • Even more amazing students!

Mission and Vision Statements

Lowell building exterior


At Lowell Elementary School, we guide students’ academic and emotional success and self-efficacy by creating an inclusive and equitable community. We collaborate to build trust through universal practices while holding high expectations for each of our learners.


At Lowell, our students are joyful and resilient critical thinkers who advocate for themselves and others, and solve problems facing their communities.

  • We teach and learn from each other in an environment that is consistently inclusive, safe, and anti-racist, centering black and brown voices and experiences.
  • We develop and nourish partnerships between our school staff, families, and community to ensure students strengths and interests are encouraged and empowered so that they have full access to the highest levels of learning.
  • We center the voices and experiences of Black and Brown staff members to build trust and repair harm through restorative justice.

School Building Tour

Student Artwork in Our Hallways

a poster with the words "they had a dream, do you?" various names of famous african americans are in the middle
Art room charter. students decided how they want to feel in the art room and what they will do to feel that way
student paintings of cats
Window display honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Chinese new year student artwork, year of the rabbit
sticky notes with positive messages like "you look great" and "have a good day"
bulletin board in hallway that says "we are 3rd graders"
lowell dragon painted on hallway wall
bulletin board in hallway with the word joy prominently displayed
hallway at lowell with student self-portraits
lowell dragon recognition for students who are caring, responsible, engaged, and safe
hallway at lowell with a sign that says "we are so happy you are here."
Lowell Pride display

Cafeteria – Dragon Diner

Meet the Lowell Elementary Team!

We welcome your questions. Feel free to contact Lowell at 206-252-3020 or email Principal Chelsea Dziedzic at cldziedzic@seattleschools.org.

Administration Team

Contact the Administration Team

Mrs. Dziedzic
Mrs. Dziedzic, Principal (pronounced Jay-Jick)
Tammy Watson
Tammy Watson, Administrative Secretary
Antonia Gray
Ms. Gray, Assistant Principal

K-5 Classroom Teachers

  • Kindergarten – Ms. Gates, Ms. Jess, Ms. Krizten, Ms. Elizabeth
  • 1st Grade – Ms. Choi, Teacher Zane, Teacher Kiki
  • 2nd Grade – Ms. Bree, Ms. Danielle, Ms. Lasei
  • 3rd Grade – Ms. Allphin, Ms. Rae, Teacher Paul
  • 4th Grade – Mr. Che, Teacher Zene
  • 5th Grade – Teacher Summer, Ms. Laura, and Teacher Rowan

Preschool and Head Start

Art, Library, Music, PE

Special Education

Student/Family Support

Culinary and Custodial Services